Monday, July 27, 2009

Well I went to the doctor last week and got the 2nd ultra sound, blood work and doctor visit. It was a very long day, but the baby looked great and had a heartbeat of 160! We could see the hands, the feet, everything! Well, we could not determine whether it was a boy or girl but we find that out on September 8th! Can't wait for that!!

I did get a call today from my doctor that my blood count was extremely low so they are putting me on an iron supplement and also some kind of antibiotic for a bacterial infection. She is also asking me to take it easy and rest, rest, rest!! It's hard to do that at work when your male boss is still asking me to pick up boxes for him:( She informed me that if this does not get better it will lead to bed rest and I DO NOT want that!!

Anyway, I go back for my next check up on August 18th so I will keep you all posted!!
